What we can learn from our fathers and our children

June 15, 2019

How do our fathers inspire us? How do we learn from children in the family too? Anishya Kumar explores how even a simple round of golf can teach us about nutrition and business.

How do the kids inspire me? I often ask myself. Sometimes even a simple round of golf can teach us about nutrition and business. My children often play golf with their father who enjoys being their “Daddy Caddy”.


Zinda Foods Fathers Day post

Golf closely parallels real life with its highs & low. I see my kids experiencing that while playing & competing competitively. The key things it teaches them;

–       Keep each shot in perspective

–       Manage your emotions

–       Maintain a positive outlook and focus on the task or shot in hand

Above all it teaches them integrity, discipline & respect. These are all life long skills which are needed for business and have been invaluable for me at Zinda Foods.

Read the rest of our feature on Entirely Food.